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"Windmill In A Box" Soon Available At Retail Stores
A new wind turbine from EarthTronics produces up to 2 kW of energy with only 20-in. blades. The super efficient, ready-to-go turbine is designed for easy installation and low maintenance. And it's priced to be affordable.
"Our idea was to produce an alternative energy source for the average person," says Reggie Adams, president, EarthTronics. "You can mount it anywhere from a rooftop to a pole and generate 20 percent or more of your home energy needs for an up-front cost of about $2,000."
Grand Valley State University's Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center (MAREC) developed the concept. MAREC selected EarthTronics to produce and market the mini turbine. Although still in the prototype stage and undergoing final testing this fall, Adams plans to have the Model 720 on retail shelves by the end of March 2009. He is confident buyers will appreciate the free wheeling and low cost/low maintenance design.
The turbine is not only gearless; it also doesn't need a separate generator. It is the generator. When the six 20-in. blades revolve, they act as rotors with the rim serving as the armature. This means electricity is being produced at tip speed, not hub speed as in traditional windmills.
The free wheeling blades start to revolve at 2 mph and start generating electricity at 3. The faster the turbine goes, the more electricity it generates, reaching maximum output at 15 mph. However, since the blade free wheels on the center shaft and bearing, it doesn't have to be shut down at high speeds. The small turbine is amazingly productive for its size.
"We are at about 700 watts in a 10 mph wind and at over 2 kW at 15 mph, exceeding what an average home can use," says Adams. "We have a system designed with a smart controller that will support battery systems and direct the energy to the home. In states that allow it, the homeowner can sell excess to the grid."
Adams says the Model 720 will be followed by a larger unit with 72-in. blades that's in the drafting stage. Plans are for still larger models in the future.
"Our target is to get the first one out there, prove the concept and then build on its success," says Adams. "As the blades get longer, efficiency multiplies since we're gaining the advantage of tip speed."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, EarthTronics, Inc., 200 Viridian Dr., Muskegon, Mich. 49440 (ph 231 332-1188; toll free 866 632-7840; fax 231-726-5029; info@earthtronics.com; www.earthtronics. com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #5