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Skid Steer Repowered With 16 Hp Briggs & Stratton
When the original engine on his old Case 1816 skid steer loader went bad, Chris Kornkven, Helenville, Wis., replaced it with a new Briggs & Stratton 16 hp engine.
    "It was the first snow of last winter and, with three driveways to clear, I fired up the skid loader. A few hours later I was finishing with the last bit of snow when the engine suddenly lost power.
    "I managed to limp the skid loader back to my shop. I contemplated taking the engine out and rebuilding it, but I thought it would be nearly impossible to find parts, even if I could quickly identify the problem. I also didn't think I'd have the time to rebuild it before the next snow fell.
    "The factory engine on my Case 1816 was a Tecumseh OHC160 16 hp model."
    Kornkven had remembered reading in FARM SHOW about other readers who repowered skid loaders, so he searched the internet for more info. He came across "smallenginewarehouse.com", an Indiana company that sells repower kits and engines.
    "Smallenginewarehouse recommended a 16 hp Briggs & Stratton Vanguard engine for my machine because of the dimensions of that engine. I ordered one, and it arrived about three days later," says Kornkven.
    "I had to fabricate motor mounts for it since the bolt holes wouldn't line up. Everything else worked out better than I expected. The gas line, wiring, throttle and choke cables and even the original belts matched up. However, the muffler interfered with the cross-connect between the hydraulic tanks so I had to use a different one. After a couple of days I was able to start my skid loader up and drive it. It was quite a relief since it snowed again a couple of days later. It snowed a lot the rest of the winter, and the repowered loader always started and ran great."
    Kornkven says total cost of the project was about $1,200. "It was money well spent. The new engine has plenty of power, and it's much easier on gas than the old one."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chris Kornkven, N6280 County P, Helenville, Wis. 53137 (ph 920 699-2376).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4