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Giraffe For Sale
I spotted an ad in the back of a farm magazine recently: "Giraffe for sale. 2-year old male. Broke to lead. Gentle."
  Since that was something you don't see every day, I decided to call the seller, Joe Hedrick, Nickerson, Kan. Turns out Joe runs an exotic animal farm with a bed & breakfast. He also sets up unique petting zoos across the country, and "rents" out his animals for promotional events.
  "We have 8 giraffes, which is more than we need," says Hedrick. "When they're little, we use them in petting zoos. We raise them ourselves, gradually training them to halter and lead. The giraffe we're selling is named Tanzar. He stands 10 ft. tall and is still growing. He'll reach full maturity at about 5 years."
  Tanzar won't come cheap. Hedrick is asking $40,000. So far no takers.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joe Hedrick, 7910 N. Roy L. Smith Rd., Nickerson, Kan. 67561 (ph 800 618-9577; www.hedricks.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4