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Diesel Boosts Power, Fuel Efficiency In Deere 4020
Jim Lumbrezer's Deere 4020 has more power and uses less fuel since he replaced the old gas engine with a diesel.

    "The fuel economy is just unbelievable. I used to use 8 to 10 gallons an hour," says the Swanton, Ohio, farmer. "Now I use 4 to 4 1/2 gallons an hour."

    Lumbrezer says there were several challenges to install the 404 diesel engine from a Deere 4230 into his gas-powered 1967 Deere 4020. Because of the size difference of the engines, he had to add a few inches to the frame, which also meant lengthening hydraulic pump lines and steering lines.

    One of the biggest challenges was the flywheel. "The ring gear on the flywheel was different. Instead of buying another flywheel, I took it to a machine shop and had it cut down," Lumbrezer says.

    Using the same flywheel also saved him from making changes to other parts. For the clutch, for example, he just replaced the pilot clutch bearing and clutch disk to match it up to the diesel engine. By changing a bearing, he maintained the dry clutch system in the gas tractor. He also used the alternator and ignition from his old tractor.

    Both systems were 12 volt, but Lumbrezer added another battery for more starting power for the 120 hp engine.

    "I had to add weight to the back, otherwise it would just spin because of all the power," he says.

    He bought the engine used and spent about $2,000 for everything. That was six years ago, and Lumbrezer says he's put 2,000 hours on the tractor since then doing fieldwork.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Lumbrezer, 11293 Co. Rd. 2, Swanton, Ohio 43558 (ph 419 825-1089).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3