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Metal Brake Puts a 90 Degree Bend In Strap Of Steel
Gordon Fuller, Barriere, B.C.: "I built a metal brake that's shown here putting a 90 degree bend in a 1/4-in. thick, 1 1/2-in. wide strap of steel. For the brake's push bar, I used the 1 by 6-in. cutting edge off a Caterpillar blade, with a 1 1/2-in. angle iron held on with plates and bolts. It pushes into two angle irons that are welded onto the bottom beam to form a æV'. The springs from a pickup hood are used to pull and hold it open. I've used this brake to bend 1/4-in. thick, 8-in. wide steel with no problems. It works great."

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3