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How To Make A Kill Switch For A Pony Garden Tiller
Paul G. Dudley, Troy, Mo.: A reader in a recent issue said his Troy-Bilt pony garden tiller keeps getting away from him. I have a solution for a ękill switch' that will stop the motor in case you lose control. Here's how to make one:
"Take an old piece of hacksaw blade about 2 in. long. Cut a piece of electrical wire long enough to go from the spark plug over to handle of tiller. Bare both ends of wire. Wrap one end around top of spark plug. Put spark plug wire back onto spark plug. Wrap other end around piece of hacksaw blade. Wrap handle with electrical tape about 1 in. wide and then tape the end of the hacksaw blade with wire on it to the taped handle so it's insulated from the handle. Leave the other end of the blade laying against the bare metal of handle and bend the end of the blade slightly so it makes good contact. Attach a string to a small piece of leather. Put the leather between the blade and the bare metal of the handle. Tie the other end of the string to your wrist or belt. When the leather is pulled from under the bare end of the hacksaw blade, it will short out the spark plug, killing the motor."

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3