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Chaff, Straw Spreader
Ernest Anderson, of Big Beaver, Sask., built a $50 chaff and straw spreader for his International 1440 Axial Flow cornbine.
"I've worked with no-till for four years and one problem I have had is with the chaff windrow. I tried to buy a Chaff Storm last year but they didn't have one for my machine so I made one for less than $50 that works great and doesn't use any noticeable horsepower.
"I mounted a piece of plywood under my straw spreader and put an extension on the shoe. Now, the chaff and straw can't fall through and has to spread. I had a deflector on the back but the spreader belt wasn't tight enough and burned out so I took the deflector back off. Its spreading width is around 20 to 30 ft. This year I'm taking the belting off the spreaders and putting on metal bats."

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #3