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Algae Oil
Algae oil might be the fuel of the future, says Glen Kertz, scientist at Vertigro Energy, a company that's come up with an innovative way to produce up to 100,000 gal. of algae oil per acre per year. (In contrast, corn yields about 500 gal. of ethanol per acre.) The El Paso, Texas, company pumps water through clear plastic bags suspended in tight rows in greenhouses. As algae forms, it's siphoned off and refined into fuels. Vertigro scientists are currently identifying which variety of algae is best suited for the purpose. The company claims that if an area the size of 1/10th of the state of New Mexico could be converted to greenhouse algae production, it would produce enough oil to meet the transportation needs of the entire U.S. (www.globalgreensolutionsinc.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3