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Old Magnetos Spark New Business
Need an old magneto rebuilt? Have an old magneto you don't know what to do with? Either way, check with Dave Crabill. He and his wife Marilyn have built up a part-time business repairing magnetos.
"We will repair or rebuild anything we can get parts for," says Crabill. "Our basic line is Wico, but we do Fairbanks Morse, International, Case and even Splitdorf units as old as 1926. I have a guy who makes the coils for them."
When he can't get new parts or custom built ones like the Splitdorf coils, Crabill refurbishes used magnetos. That's one reason he likes his customers to call before they throw out the old magneto. Repairing it may be the only option.
"We buy old magnetos, even broken ones and set them aside because someday we may need the parts," says Crabill. "People contact us or bring them to tractor shows, and we buy them there."
Often a total rebuild isn't needed, he says. In the case of a show tractor, a rebuild is probably best, he advises, as many old tractors don't have the original magneto. A Fairbanks Morse may have been substituted for a Wico.
"Some of the Splitdorfs are getting so rare that you can't get a replacement," says Crabill.
Repair or rebuild has a big impact on price. While repair is parts and labor by the hour, a full rebuild usually runs around $250.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, D & M Magneto, 216 Allen St., Monroeville, Ind. 46773 (ph 260 623-3187; dmmag216 @yahoo. com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2