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"Sliding Axle" Seed Fill Auger
You can fill the biggest planters and drills with Wenzinger Farms' new portable seed auger. The auger makes it easy with its telescoping fill tube and side-to-side sliding support system. The auger itself is only 24 ft. long, but it has a reach of nearly twice that.
"With an 8 1/2-ft. axle and the three-section fill tube, we can reach both ends of a 45-ft. wide planter or drill without moving," says Gerry Wenzinger, who with his son Robert designs and builds the augers. "We built our first one five years ago because we were tired of buckets and bags. Now we're building them for sale. It makes a good winter project for us."
What makes Wenzinger's auger stand out from the competition is the sliding support mounted on 6 1/2, 7 1/2 or 8 1/2-ft. width axles. Instead of the auger support being fixed to the axle, it can slide sideways. Add the optional three-section fill tube instead of the standard two-section tube, and the span extends to the full 45 ft.
"As far as we know, we're the only ones who build a portable auger that slides on the axle," says Wenzinger.
Wenzinger's basic auger sells for $3,200, considerably less than swinging augers. Other attractive features about the auger include the stainless steel tube, making the auger fertilizer friendly, and ease of transport. The auger is also equipped with a large swiveling hopper and can be powered from a tractor's hydraulic system or with a stand-alone Buckeye Hydraulics Auger Mate, an 8 hp engine with hydraulic pump. An added option is an electric solenoid valve for remote control, especially handy for use when filling larger equipment with multiple seed boxes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wenzinger Farms, 14-406 RD Y, New Bavaria, Ohio 43548 (ph 419 653-4445; toll free 800 972-7919; rswenz@henry-net.com; http://userweb.metalink.net/~rswenz/).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2