Remote Connect For Pto, 3-Pt. And Hydraulics
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Equipment operators may never leave their seat again thanks to the new Power Lock developed by Pottinger, Fendt and Walterscheid. The system lets a tractor operator hook up pto, top and lower linkage, and hydraulics all from the cab.
Equipment can be retrofitted by replacing the end of the pto shaft with the Power Lock and attaching a bracket for a bar that keeps the pto coupling suspended. When the operator backs into place, Power Lock components guide the pto coupler and lock it in place. Introduced for the first time at Agritechnica 2007, it's planned for 2009 production.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Alois Pottinger Maschinenfabric GmbH, Industriegelande 1, A4710 Grieskirchen, Austria (ph 43 7248 6005 21; www.pot

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Remote Connect For Pto, 3-Pt. And Hydraulics POWER TAKE OFFS (PTO'S) Power Take Offs (PTO's) 32-1-43 Equipment operators may never leave their seat again thanks to the new Power Lock developed by Pottinger, Fendt and Walterscheid. The system lets a tractor operator hook up pto, top and lower linkage, and hydraulics all from the cab.
Equipment can be retrofitted by replacing the end of the pto shaft with the Power Lock and attaching a bracket for a bar that keeps the pto coupling suspended. When the operator backs into place, Power Lock components guide the pto coupler and lock it in place. Introduced for the first time at Agritechnica 2007, it's planned for 2009 production.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Alois Pottinger Maschinenfabric GmbH, Industriegelande 1, A4710 Grieskirchen, Austria (ph 43 7248 6005 21; www.pot
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