Garden Caddy Designed To Hold A Computer Monitor
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A Misco garden caddy designed to hold a flower pot is a great way to hold a computer monitor. Lets you pivot the monitor to show a visitor, or turn it sideways to make more room at the desk. You can buy them at www.miscohomeand garden. com. (C.F. Marley, Nokomis, Ill.)

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Garden Caddy Designed To Hold A Flower Pot MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 32-1-41 A Misco garden caddy designed to hold a flower pot is a great way to hold a computer monitor. Lets you pivot the monitor to show a visitor, or turn it sideways to make more room at the desk. You can buy them at www.miscohomeand garden. com. (C.F. Marley, Nokomis, Ill.)
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