2008 - Volume #32, Issue #1, Page #37
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He Converted Machine From 24-Volt Positive Ground to 12-Volt Negative Ground
Paul Krejci, Deerton, Mich.: "The generator on my Cat 955 Traxcavator was no longer usable, so I converted the machine from 24-volt positive ground to 12-volt negative ground, using a semi alternator and starter."When a tire on my road grader got a cut in its sidewall, I made a patch using rubber belting and carriage bolts. I installed a tube and liner in the repaired tire. It saved the expense of a new tire and has held up fine for eight years.
"I added a second alternator to my 1975 Ford truck charging system so I can jump start 24-volt equipment as well as do light welding."

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