Old Barbeque Grill Converted Into Portable Power Sanding Machine
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Corneil Hiebert, Altona, Manitoba: "I converted an old barbeque grill into this portable power sanding machine. First I removed the grill from the stand and replaced it with some wooden boards. Then I mounted a belt-disc sander onto it (any other light shop tools could also be used). I also closed the ends and the back side of the frame with plywood to give the frame more strength, then built a shelf into it to store extra discs or belts. Now I can easily move my sanding machine wherever I need it. It works great."

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Old Barbeque Grill Converted Into Portable Power Sanding Machine FARM SHOP Tools 32-1-36 Corneil Hiebert, Altona, Manitoba: "I converted an old barbeque grill into this portable power sanding machine. First I removed the grill from the stand and replaced it with some wooden boards. Then I mounted a belt-disc sander onto it (any other light shop tools could also be used). I also closed the ends and the back side of the frame with plywood to give the frame more strength, then built a shelf into it to store extra discs or belts. Now I can easily move my sanding machine wherever I need it. It works great."
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