"Roofed" Round Bale Feeder
Wade Hearn didn't like the daily chore of feeding his goats. "My off-farm job keeps me working into the night several days a week," says the Blountsville, Alabama, man. So he built a portable round bale feeder that's covered by a corrugated sheet metal roof.
The metal feeder is designed to hold two round bales. It measures 6 ft. wide by 10 ft. long and has a 10 by 12-ft. roof.
"It supplies enough feed for several weeks at a time," says Hearn. "Also, it keeps the hay dry as well as the goats, and it reduces hay loss to a minimum. "Goats tend to do a lot better if their hay is kept dry. They'll go hungry before they'll go out in the rain."
The frame is made from 3-in. angle iron and supports a bale rack made from 1/2-in. dia. galvanized pipe. The rack is welded to both sides of the frame as well as to a subframe at the bottom. A pair of metal runners with wooden 4 by 6's under them make it easy to push or pull the feeder around.
"I bent the rack by rolling the galvanized pipe around a tractor tire," notes Hearn.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wade Hearn, 1191 Thrasher Road, Altoona, Alabama 35031 (ph 205 589-8398; dodge wade@yahoo.com).

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"Roofed" Round Bale Feeder LIVESTOCK Feeding Equipment 32-1-35 Wade Hearn didn't like the daily chore of feeding his goats. "My off-farm job keeps me working into the night several days a week," says the Blountsville, Alabama, man. So he built a portable round bale feeder that's covered by a corrugated sheet metal roof.
The metal feeder is designed to hold two round bales. It measures 6 ft. wide by 10 ft. long and has a 10 by 12-ft. roof.
"It supplies enough feed for several weeks at a time," says Hearn. "Also, it keeps the hay dry as well as the goats, and it reduces hay loss to a minimum. "Goats tend to do a lot better if their hay is kept dry. They'll go hungry before they'll go out in the rain."
The frame is made from 3-in. angle iron and supports a bale rack made from 1/2-in. dia. galvanized pipe. The rack is welded to both sides of the frame as well as to a subframe at the bottom. A pair of metal runners with wooden 4 by 6's under them make it easy to push or pull the feeder around.
"I bent the rack by rolling the galvanized pipe around a tractor tire," notes Hearn.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wade Hearn, 1191 Thrasher Road, Altoona, Alabama 35031 (ph 205 589-8398; dodge wade@yahoo.com).
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