Deere G Mailbox
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Ken Stonecipher, LaCrosse, Ind., took the front end of an old 1950 Deere G and made it into a new mailbox holder. He mounted it on a 4 by 6-in. piece of steel tubing with a 3-ft. square base welded to the bottom. The base is buried in the ground.
He made a little platform on front to hold the mailboxes, and painted it, adding new decals. Makes an eye-catching roadside attraction.
His friend, Jeff Brown, helped build it.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Stonecipher, 20521 S. U.S. 421, LaCrosse, Ind. 46348 (ph 219 754-2497).

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Deere G Mailbox FARM HOME Miscellaneous 32-1-17 Ken Stonecipher, LaCrosse, Ind., took the front end of an old 1950 Deere G and made it into a new mailbox holder. He mounted it on a 4 by 6-in. piece of steel tubing with a 3-ft. square base welded to the bottom. The base is buried in the ground.
He made a little platform on front to hold the mailboxes, and painted it, adding new decals. Makes an eye-catching roadside attraction.
His friend, Jeff Brown, helped build it.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Stonecipher, 20521 S. U.S. 421, LaCrosse, Ind. 46348 (ph 219 754-2497).
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