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Mini Skidder Leaves Less Mess In Woods
"It's a little workhorse," Lloyd Lohman says to describe his 4 ft. 9 in. by 12-ft. long log skidder he built from scratch. "It turns in an 11-ft. diameter and doesn't leave a mess in the woods."
    The Hamilton, Michigan, man and a friend had been pulling out logs with a Quad and a winch when they decided to build a skidder to pull logs for Lohman's hobby sawmill. Lohman had hydraulics on hand and a 6-cylinder Chrysler motor. The 4-WD skidder is completely hydraulic and has a 40-gallon hydraulic reservoir. It articulates in the center.
    "The back end goes where the front end goes," Lohman says, "so it can fit through some tight spots."
    He built the frame of tubular steel and put an old snow plow with a brush guard on the back for pushing brush. The winch, made from a 1932 Chevrolet car transmission, runs the 3/8-in. cable with a hook.
    "I pulled a truck and trailer with the winch," Lohman says.
    He's used the skidder for about four years and pulled in good size logs for his sawmill. The mini skidder has held up well, right down to the paint. Lohman says he used Massey Ferguson red so he can see the skidder easily in the woods.
    Lohman is thinking about making another skidder and would sell his mini skidder for $5,000 (negotiable).
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lloyd Lohman, 5979 134th Ave., Hamilton, Michigan 49419 (ph 269 751-5264).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #6