Cat Warmer
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My son, Bob Marley, built this small, A-shaped enclosure as a place for his cat to warm up during the winter. The 4-legged wooden structure has three hop-up steps that lead to an enclosure, where a panel of glass protects the cat from the wind. The leg at the far right is wrapped with rope, which the cat can use to sharpen its claws. It's really the ultimate in cat comfort. (C. F. Marley, 26288 Oconee Ave., Nokomis, Ill. 62075 ph 217 563-2588)

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Cat Warmer FARM HOME Miscellaneous 31-5-42 My son, Bob Marley, built this small, A-shaped enclosure as a place for his cat to warm up during the winter. The 4-legged wooden structure has three hop-up steps that lead to an enclosure, where a panel of glass protects the cat from the wind. The leg at the far right is wrapped with rope, which the cat can use to sharpen its claws. It's really the ultimate in cat comfort. (C. F. Marley, 26288 Oconee Ave., Nokomis, Ill. 62075 ph 217 563-2588)
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