Vinyl Lowcost Fence
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I used 12-in. wide by 12-ft. long sections of old perforated vinyl siding, the kind found on house eaves, to make this low-cost fence in my back yard. I cut each section in half, then wove the sections together similar to commercial cattle and horse fence. The siding is very lightweight which makes it easy to handle.
I used the same idea to make window shades for the 8 ft. wide picture window in my house and also for a 4-ft. wide window in my bedroom. The perforated siding creates a shade screen to keep the hot sun out of the house. (Wess Cornelius, 1312 Ferrier Rd., Winlock, Wash. 98596 ph 360 785-4178)

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Vinyl Lowcost Fence FENCING Fence Systems 31-5-41 I used 12-in. wide by 12-ft. long sections of old perforated vinyl siding, the kind found on house eaves, to make this low-cost fence in my back yard. I cut each section in half, then wove the sections together similar to commercial cattle and horse fence. The siding is very lightweight which makes it easy to handle.
I used the same idea to make window shades for the 8 ft. wide picture window in my house and also for a 4-ft. wide window in my bedroom. The perforated siding creates a shade screen to keep the hot sun out of the house. (Wess Cornelius, 1312 Ferrier Rd., Winlock, Wash. 98596 ph 360 785-4178)
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