Boost Diesel Performance With Better Information
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Monitoring the temperature of major components on diesel trucks is a great way to keep tabs on the condition of your vehicle. Of course that's kind of hard to do with traditional OEM gauges installed. It's especially questionable if you have added performance-enhancing equipment to your rig.
"For some reason, major car and truck makers have never been that into real precise instrumentation," says Jenn Dandekar, co-owner, Danin, Inc. "Most drivers can get by, but if you really want to know at what temperature your engine is running, you need a pyrometer for exhaust temperature. Transmission fluid temperatures also give a more complete picture of operation. It's especially helpful if you are pulling a load."
Getting a better read on key temperatures and pressures is the goal of Danin's new Optix series of diesel performance gauges. In the past, the company has offered a Pyro gauge as well as fuel pressure gauges and transmission temperature gauges. Now they have added gauges to monitor differential and coolant temperatures as well as engine oil pressure and rail pressure.
Dandekar says any of the gauges can be installed by their dealers or by a knowledgeable customer. "We designed them to be easy to install with Molex connectors," says Dandekar. "You just run connections to the spots to be monitored."
The gauges, complete with sensors and wire harness, are LED lit, tested, calibrated and ready to mount. Suggested retail prices range from $53 for the transmission temperature gauge to $198 for the Pyro gauge for monitoring exhaust temperatures.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Danin, Inc., 3944 W. Segerstrom Ave., Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 (ph 714 662-0600; toll free 800 398-6580; fax 714 662 0607;

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Boost Diesel Performance With Better Information ENGINES Engines 31-5-38 Monitoring the temperature of major components on diesel trucks is a great way to keep tabs on the condition of your vehicle. Of course that's kind of hard to do with traditional OEM gauges installed. It's especially questionable if you have added performance-enhancing equipment to your rig.
"For some reason, major car and truck makers have never been that into real precise instrumentation," says Jenn Dandekar, co-owner, Danin, Inc. "Most drivers can get by, but if you really want to know at what temperature your engine is running, you need a pyrometer for exhaust temperature. Transmission fluid temperatures also give a more complete picture of operation. It's especially helpful if you are pulling a load."
Getting a better read on key temperatures and pressures is the goal of Danin's new Optix series of diesel performance gauges. In the past, the company has offered a Pyro gauge as well as fuel pressure gauges and transmission temperature gauges. Now they have added gauges to monitor differential and coolant temperatures as well as engine oil pressure and rail pressure.
Dandekar says any of the gauges can be installed by their dealers or by a knowledgeable customer. "We designed them to be easy to install with Molex connectors," says Dandekar. "You just run connections to the spots to be monitored."
The gauges, complete with sensors and wire harness, are LED lit, tested, calibrated and ready to mount. Suggested retail prices range from $53 for the transmission temperature gauge to $198 for the Pyro gauge for monitoring exhaust temperatures.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Danin, Inc., 3944 W. Segerstrom Ave., Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 (ph 714 662-0600; toll free 800 398-6580; fax 714 662 0607;
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