He Uses Old Socks To Store Ratchet Tie-Down Straps In Toolbox In Pickup
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Art Krenzel, Battle Ground, Wash.: "I use old socks to store ratchet tie-down straps in a toolbox in my pickup. The socks keep the tools from snagging on the straps and getting everything tangled up. I simply wrap the straps into a ball and slip them in the sock. It's a cheap, quick and easy way to keep things neat."

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He Uses Old Socks To Store Ratchet Tie-Down Straps In Toolbox In Pickup FARM SHOP Handy Hints 31-5-36 Art Krenzel, Battle Ground, Wash.: "I use old socks to store ratchet tie-down straps in a toolbox in my pickup. The socks keep the tools from snagging on the straps and getting everything tangled up. I simply wrap the straps into a ball and slip them in the sock. It's a cheap, quick and easy way to keep things neat."
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