2007 - Volume #31, Issue #5, Page #35
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Man-Made Wildlife Watering Holes
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The Oasis Guzzler fits in a standard pickup box and is stackable so more than one unit can be hauled at a time. It's made from high grade, UV-stable polyethylene construction so it weighs just 200 lbs. yet has a 500-gal. capacity.
"These units were designed for upland birds and small game," says Oasis Guzzler dealer Tyler Hansell, from Hermiston, Oregon. "They're extremely durable and carry a lifetime guarantee against cracking and breaking, even in sub-zero temperatures."
The Oasis has a textured ramp, which provides wildlife with easy access to the stored water.
It's designed to be installed in-ground with a "collector" system over the top to feed water into the tank. Essentially, collectors are 8 by 8-ft. corrugated roofs over the top of the tank. They also reduce evaporation, prevent large animals from entering, and help provide cover from predators while drinking. Collectors are not included with the unit. They're easily built from common materials.
This unit conforms to most, if not all, state and federal habitat improvement program standards, benefiting landowners wishing to qualify for government programs that pay them to preserve wildlife habitat. Some programs also offer cost sharing of approved installations.
The unit sells for $675 (plus S&H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Betta Products Inc., Tim Sullivan, Sales and Marketing, 500 Metcalf, Bldg 0-1, Sedro Woolley, Wash. 98284 (ph 360 855-9076; fax 360 855-0610; info@oasisguzzler.com; www.oasisguzzler.com) or Tyler Hansell, County Line Rd., Hermiston, Oregon 97838 (ph 541 561-5185; thansell@eoni.com).

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