2007 - Volume #31, Issue #5, Page #24
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Slick Way To Catch A Thief
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Ransbottom had strapped a weatherproof 35 mm camera, equipped with a motion sensor, to a tree that was close to his deer hunting stand, hoping it would provide him with photos of any deer grazing in the area. Then one day he noticed that someone had stolen his tree stand. Irritated by the theft, he checked his camera and, to his surprise, he found the film included photos of two guys carrying away his deer stand.
Ransbottom contacted a state conservation officer and the photos were used in the local local crime stoppers "crime of the week" alert that produced tips from the public. The thieves were caught and each got 18 months in the slammer.
Ransbottom says the camera could have been seen easily, as it was mounted about waist high. He suggests that the wildlife cameras could be used around machinery sheds or to monitor machinery left parked in fields overnight. The cameras are available from Cabelas (ph 800 237-4444; www.cabelas.com) and a number of other retailers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen Ransbottom, 7024 W. 650 N., Etna Green, Ind. 46524 (ph 594 858-9849).

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