Sensor Pages Operator When Bin Is Full
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Watching a bin fill is like watching a pot boil. Take your eyes off for a moment, and that's when it spills over. BinMax makes it easy to monitor bin filling even if you are busy doing other things. Two sensors detect when the bin is nearing full and when it has reached the filled stage, and a transmitter pages the auger operator.
"The pager beeps and vibrates to let you know grain has reached the sensors," explains Ken Jackson, Agritronics. "Lights flash on both the pager and the transmitter located at the bin. A yellow light flashes when grain reaches the lower sensor, and a red light flashes when grain reaches the upper sensor."
A mechanical engineer, Jackson developed the system after years of helping out with harvest on the family farm. "My job was driving truck and unloading," he says. "I never enjoyed climbing the bin."
The BinMax system consists of two sensors, a transmitter bracket, a transmitter and a pager. Each bin requires its own permanent sensors and transmitter bracket mounted in place. However, the transmitter and pager can be moved from bin to bin. Each is powered by a single 9-volt battery, so no electrical connections are needed.
"The pager will pick up a signal when it is within about 100 yards of the bin," says Jackson. "There are other ways of seeing what the level of grain in a bin is, but with BinMax, you don't have to be watching constantly."
The sensors, cable and transmitter bracket are priced at $159 for a set. The Transmitter/Pager components are priced at $299. The BinMax system has been distributed through Pool and AgPro in Canada for the past year. U.S. distribution is expected to be finalized in September.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, AgriTronics, 2221 Cairns Ave., Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7J 1T7 (ph 306 717-6414; sales@; www. agritronics

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Sensor Pages Operator When Bin Is Full GRAIN HANDLING Accessories 31-5-20
Watching a bin fill is like watching a pot boil. Take your eyes off for a moment, and that's when it spills over. BinMax makes it easy to monitor bin filling even if you are busy doing other things. Two sensors detect when the bin is nearing full and when it has reached the filled stage, and a transmitter pages the auger operator.
"The pager beeps and vibrates to let you know grain has reached the sensors," explains Ken Jackson, Agritronics. "Lights flash on both the pager and the transmitter located at the bin. A yellow light flashes when grain reaches the lower sensor, and a red light flashes when grain reaches the upper sensor."
A mechanical engineer, Jackson developed the system after years of helping out with harvest on the family farm. "My job was driving truck and unloading," he says. "I never enjoyed climbing the bin."
The BinMax system consists of two sensors, a transmitter bracket, a transmitter and a pager. Each bin requires its own permanent sensors and transmitter bracket mounted in place. However, the transmitter and pager can be moved from bin to bin. Each is powered by a single 9-volt battery, so no electrical connections are needed.
"The pager will pick up a signal when it is within about 100 yards of the bin," says Jackson. "There are other ways of seeing what the level of grain in a bin is, but with BinMax, you don't have to be watching constantly."
The sensors, cable and transmitter bracket are priced at $159 for a set. The Transmitter/Pager components are priced at $299. The BinMax system has been distributed through Pool and AgPro in Canada for the past year. U.S. distribution is expected to be finalized in September.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, AgriTronics, 2221 Cairns Ave., Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7J 1T7 (ph 306 717-6414; sales@; www. agritronics
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