"Mini Wagon" Carries 40-Bu. Loads
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"Our 40 bushel gravity box works great as a grain buggy for feeding corn burning stoves and to haul feed to livestock. And it's light enough to pull behind any ATV or garden tractor," says Larry Lauritzen, Kory Farm Equipment, Manlius, Ill., about his 4-wheeled mini gravity box.
The 4-ft. high unit can hold up to 47 bu. of dry corn and has an open top. It mounts on the company's model 3000 running gear, which can also accept a wagon box or be equipped with a 4 by 8-ft. or 5 by 10-ft. expanded metal bed (Vol. 31, No. 4). The box simply clamps on over the running gear's front axle. It's available in both front wheel steer and all wheel steer models.
Corn gravity feeds out an opening on back of the box. Grain discharges through a 17-in. high slide gate.
"It's big enough to hold several week's supply for a corn stove. Yet it's small enough to fit into your garage if you want," says Larry Lauritzen. "Most users dump the corn into 5-gal. buckets to carry into the house. Small farmers with only a few head of livestock like it because they can hand feed their animals, or use it in their barn as a holding bin. They can also pull the unit into a field and feed out of it there."
The wagon sells for $350; the running gear for $525.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kory Farm Equipment, P.O. Box 349, Manlius, Ill. 61338 (ph 815 445-3711; fax 815 445-5141; larry@koryfarm.com; www.koryfarm.com).

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"Mini Wagon" Carries 40-Bu. Loads WAGONS/TRAILERS New Wagons 31-5-19 "Our 40 bushel gravity box works great as a grain buggy for feeding corn burning stoves and to haul feed to livestock. And it's light enough to pull behind any ATV or garden tractor," says Larry Lauritzen, Kory Farm Equipment, Manlius, Ill., about his 4-wheeled mini gravity box.
The 4-ft. high unit can hold up to 47 bu. of dry corn and has an open top. It mounts on the company's model 3000 running gear, which can also accept a wagon box or be equipped with a 4 by 8-ft. or 5 by 10-ft. expanded metal bed (Vol. 31, No. 4). The box simply clamps on over the running gear's front axle. It's available in both front wheel steer and all wheel steer models.
Corn gravity feeds out an opening on back of the box. Grain discharges through a 17-in. high slide gate.
"It's big enough to hold several week's supply for a corn stove. Yet it's small enough to fit into your garage if you want," says Larry Lauritzen. "Most users dump the corn into 5-gal. buckets to carry into the house. Small farmers with only a few head of livestock like it because they can hand feed their animals, or use it in their barn as a holding bin. They can also pull the unit into a field and feed out of it there."
The wagon sells for $350; the running gear for $525.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kory Farm Equipment, P.O. Box 349, Manlius, Ill. 61338 (ph 815 445-3711; fax 815 445-5141; larry@koryfarm.com; www.koryfarm.com).
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