Bigger Sprocket Speeds Grain Discharge
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Tired of his Case IH combine taking too long to unload, Steve Kaltenheuser did something about it. With the addition of a modified auger drive sprocket, he increased unloading rate of 19 percent moisture corn from 2.2 to 3.3 bu./sec. Now he is selling the faster sprocket to other Case IH combine owners. He admits a bigger sprocket wasn't his first thought.
"We were going to make a bigger unloading auger, but we decided to try a bigger sprocket first," says Kaltenheuser. "The auger system is all force fed, so if we speeded up this one, we figured it would speed up the entire system, and it did."
The sprocket has two sheer bolts as added protection for the unloading system. In three years of using his, Kaltenheuser says he has yet to snap a single bolt.
He sells the modified sprocket with its 50 percent increase in auger speed for $105. So far he only offers it for 1600-2300 Series Case IH combines.
"I have heard that Case increased the unloading speed on their newest line of combines, but I don't think they are still as fast as mine," says Kaltenheuser.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steve Kaltenheuser, Kaltenheuser Farms, Ltd., 50690 270th St., Ames, Iowa 50014 (ph 515 769-2461; fax 515 769-2463; bjkalt

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Bigger Sprocket Speeds Grain Discharge COMBINES Accessories 31-5-16 Tired of his Case IH combine taking too long to unload, Steve Kaltenheuser did something about it. With the addition of a modified auger drive sprocket, he increased unloading rate of 19 percent moisture corn from 2.2 to 3.3 bu./sec. Now he is selling the faster sprocket to other Case IH combine owners. He admits a bigger sprocket wasn't his first thought.
"We were going to make a bigger unloading auger, but we decided to try a bigger sprocket first," says Kaltenheuser. "The auger system is all force fed, so if we speeded up this one, we figured it would speed up the entire system, and it did."
The sprocket has two sheer bolts as added protection for the unloading system. In three years of using his, Kaltenheuser says he has yet to snap a single bolt.
He sells the modified sprocket with its 50 percent increase in auger speed for $105. So far he only offers it for 1600-2300 Series Case IH combines.
"I have heard that Case increased the unloading speed on their newest line of combines, but I don't think they are still as fast as mine," says Kaltenheuser.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steve Kaltenheuser, Kaltenheuser Farms, Ltd., 50690 270th St., Ames, Iowa 50014 (ph 515 769-2461; fax 515 769-2463; bjkalt
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