2007 - Volume #31, Issue #5, Page #10
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New Trap Kills, Then Conceals Dead Flies
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Entomologist Jerome Hogsette developed the design as part of his research service work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with assistance from now retired chemist David Carlson.
"It's a trap that takes advantage of fly behavior, especially near the ceiling," Hogsette says. "When they rest, they rest high."
Any strip with bait will work, but Hogsette likes quick-killing QuikStrike fly abatement strips. He cuts strips to fit in the Flybrella tube and secures them with a horizontal straight pin at the top.
Flies are attracted to the bait, slip into 1/2-in. perforations to eat it, and fall dead within seconds into the dome-shaped container at the bottom of the trap. The bottom of the container simply unscrews to empty.
For some reason, flies are attracted to the clear tubes, Hogsette says. The container with the dead flies is opaque, however, to keep them out of view.
A long side hook allows the lightweight Flybrella to be hung with a piece of wire from cords or other vertical objects.
The Flybrella was designed for restaurants and other commercial settings, Hogsette says, but will work anywhere flies are a problem.
A couple of companies have expressed interest in purchasing the license to market the Flybrella.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jerome Hogsette, 1600-1700 S.W. 23rd Dr., Gainesville, Florida 32608 (ph 352 374-5912; Jerry.Hogsette@ARS.USDA.GOV).

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