Bargain Caskets
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It's not hard nowadays to spend $5,000 to $10,000 on a casket. But you don't need to. You can get a beautiful casket at a bargain price at Costco warehouse stores. Prices range from $924 to $2,999 for models that don't look any different than the more expensive ones most funeral directors offer for sale. You can order through Costco's website at for next day shipping, or go to your local Costco store.

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Bargain Caskets MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 31-5-5 It's not hard nowadays to spend $5,000 to $10,000 on a casket. But you don't need to. You can get a beautiful casket at a bargain price at Costco warehouse stores. Prices range from $924 to $2,999 for models that don't look any different than the more expensive ones most funeral directors offer for sale. You can order through Costco's website at for next day shipping, or go to your local Costco store.
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