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Retractable Digger Tooth Mounts On Rock Picker
Ivan Juhl used the beam off an old moldboard plow to make a "single tooth" rock digger that mounts on the tongue of his pull-type rock picker.
"It lets me dislodge rocks that are too deep for the rock picker to pick up," says Juhl, who mounted the hydraulic-operated attachment on his Otto rock picker. "I drop the digger under the rock, then back up and lift it out, leaving the rock on top of the ground."
The beam, or standard, is off an old Deere 3-bottom plow and originally had a moldboard bolted onto it. He flipped the beam upside down so that what was originally the top now serves as the tooth. He welded a short pipe with reinforcement on the inside curve of the plow beam and then inserted another pipe through it and through the rock picker's tongue to form a pivot point. The top part of the beam - where the moldboard was originally attached - connects to a hydraulic cylinder that's anchored on the rock picker's tongue.
He beefed up the digging tooth by hard surfacing with his welder.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ivan Juhl, 14783 Co. Rd. 104, Greenbush, Minn. 56726 (ph 218 782-2163; ijuhl@wiktel.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #4