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Skunk Expert Details Odorless Skunk Removal
Wildlife control expert Rob Erickson offers never-before-shared advice on "groundbreaking odorless skunk control methods" in his new book, "Innovative Skunk Control."
   Erickson has been providing odorless skunk removal for 35 years and with 10,000 skunks to his credit, the Cortland, Ill. man is considered a national expert on the subject.
  "My book describes in clear detail how to deal with skunks in all possible situations," Erickson says. "It includes removal methods for skunks damaging lawns by digging for grubs, skunks trapped in window wells and inside buildings, and skunks roaming the neighborhood."
  He says many professional nuisance animal trappers will turn down skunk business because of apprehension about skunks spraying. That's the reason he wrote this book, he says - he wants to help make the job easier and more effective.
  According to Erickson, late July through November is the best time to control skunks.
  "They do the most commercial property damage in the fall when they come out to dig for grubs. This usually happens within a half hour after dusk ù you can set your clock by it ù and they're very focused on what they are doing, which allows you to approach them as close as 4 to 5 feet away before they notice you," he explains. "It's still important to note that skunks can spray a distance of 8 to 10 feet, and up to 15 feet if the wind is at their back."
   In addition to talking about how to shoot skunks, the book also discusses the different types of traps and other control methods. It includes a description of skunk biology, population cycles and behavior as well.
  Innovative Skunk Control sells for $15.95 plus $3.85 shipping.
  For the past 14 years, Erickson and his wife, Lisa, have also published a bi-monthly magazine, "Wildlife Control Technology."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, On Target A.D.C., Box 469, Cortland, Ill. 60112 (ph 815 286-3073; wctech @ix.netcom.com; www.wctech. com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #4