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Lightweight Portable Hydraulic Power Unit
"Our new portable hydraulic power unit weighs less than 60 lbs., allowing it to be used in a variety of applications," says Buddy Itzen, inventor.
The power unit's 5 gpm hydraulic pump is powered by a 5 hp Briggs & Stratton gas engine, allowing the pump to deliver up to 1,600 psi.
"It eliminates the need for a tractor and is so light you can lift it into the back of your pickup," says Itzen. "Most other portable hydraulic power units are so heavy they have to be mounted on dolly wheels. It's equipped with quick disconnects so it's handy to use. Works great for powering small augers used to deliver bulk seed from gravity wagons or trailers. It also works great for raising and lowering implements." Sells for $850.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Elkhorn Equipment Co., Inc., Rt. 5, Box 341 A, Ft. Dodge, Iowa 50501 (ph 515 972-4500).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2