1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #04
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Automatic Wagon Hitch
A new automatic hitch that mounts on your tractor's drawbar and implement tongue lets you hook up to any wagon or trailer without getting out of the tractor cab.The "Agri-Speed" hitch consists of two parts. The first is a "catch loop" and stand that holds the tongue 8 in. off the ground. The loop and stand simply slip over the wagon tongue and are held in place by any conventional hitch pin. A lift rod mounts at a forward angle on top of the stand. The second part of the hitch bolts onto the tractor's drawbar. It consists of a V-shaped guide and a locking mechanism that automatically locks onto the tongue loop. As you backup, the lift rod slides up onto the V - shaped guide and guides the tongue of the implement into position so that the loop snaps into place. To unhook, the operator pulls a cable to release the spring-loaded latch, letting the loop drop out of the hitch.
"We think it works better than any other automatic hitch system on the market," says Mike Bergman, one of the inventors. "It's very simple to use because it doesn't require use of the tractor's hydraulic system or 3-pt. hitch. All you do is back up. You don't need help from anyone on the ground.
"Unlike other auto hitches there's no permanent modification required. You can move the catch loop from wagon to wagon as needed by pulling the hitch pin. The tractor part of the hitch can also be used on pickups, self-propelled choppers, and corn pickers. The lift rod quickly swings to the side so you can hook up the pto shaft for stationary use. Another advantage is that the hitch extends the drawbar out about 1 ft. for better visibility. It also is covered with fluorescent tape for improved visibility at night."
The drawbar part of the hitch sells for $240. The tongue loop is available in two sizes to fit either a 4-in. ($95) or 5-in. ($115) wagon tongue.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bergman Mfg. Inc., Box 82, Arthur, Iowa 51431 (ph 800 551-4554 or 712 675-4733).

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