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"Fail-Safe" Trailer Coupler
We've seen a lot of guidance devices for hooking up trailers, but this is the first ball hitch that guides and also hooks onto the ball automatically.
    Invented by Mark Lambros, Lexington, N.C., the Quickbite coupler has an automatic dual jaw locking system that grabs onto the ball hitch.
    "It's extremely easy to hook up to, and you never have to worry if you have a good connection or not. It's all but impossible for the trailer coupler to come loose, and impossible to move the trailer unless it's properly locked," says Lambros. "Another advantage is that the coupler's inner jaws provide a 5-in. horizontal capture area for the ball mount, so there's no need to line up the coupler perfectly with the ball.
    "It's also one of the strongest couplers on the market. The 1 7/8 to 2-in. model is rated at 10,000 lbs. and the 2 5/16-in. version is rated at 15,000 lbs."
    The coupler is fitted with a pair of vertical fiberglass rods attached to the jaw tips. "As the jaws close together, so do the rods," notes Lambros.
    Prices start at $75 and range up to $125 for an all stainless steel model.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Quickbite Couplers. 115 Green Needles Drive, Lexington, N.C. 27292 (ph 336 956-1956; fax 336 956-7877; info@quickbitecouplers.com; www.quickbitecouplers.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #3