New Do-Everything Wagon Hauls Manure, Grain
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You can haul 500 bu. of grain or up to 13112 tons of manure, sand, gravel or silage in the new "do everything" Utility Spreader from Scranton Manufacturing, Scranton Iowa. The first of its kind gravity flow wagon is equipped with a huge hydraulically operated 5-ft. by 10-ft. bottom opening which dumps the entire load in seconds.
Two hydraulically operated sliding doors, each 5 ft. square, control size of the opening. They can be cracked open for even, light spreading, or opened all the way for a quick dump. Four 2-in. by 60-in. hydraulic cylinders provide the power.
`'We think it's the perfect answer for the large farmer who has a lot of manure and wants to spread it fast, or for the smaller farmer who needs a manure spreader and a grain wagon but doesn't feel he can justify owning both," says David Humburg, Scranton sales representative.
Simplicity is the wagon's biggest selling point, according to Humburg, who points out that the only parts that can manfunction are the four hydraulic cylinders which are easily replaced. The wheels and the fifthwheel steering axle up front are the only other moving parts.
The wagon measures 16 ft, long by 10 ft. wide at the top and slopes at a 60? pitch to the 5-ft. by 10-ft. bottom opening. The wagon stands tall - about 9 ft., 2 in. off the ground-and is made from 10 ga. steel in the body, with a heavy reinforced sliding bottom frame.
Although the bottom door is not completely water tight, Humburg says farmers who purchased the first wagons "have hauled some pretty soupy manure without leaks."
What about spreading manure with frozen chunks in it, or bulky manure mixed with bedding?
"We were concerned with that during testing but found that although manure with bedding, for example, must be spread thicker than with a conventional spreader, it still spreads evenly because of the great downward pressure inside the wagon. Also, the wagon has good visibility on the go. You can see if a frozen chunk catches in the door and dump it out without stopping by widening the door."
The sliding bottom doors are operated from the tractor seat with normal tractor hydraulic controls. Auxiliary hydraulic power systems are available for using the wagon behind a pickup or truck. It does not have brakes.
The wagon has six 40-in. dia. floatation tires, with a tandem axle in the back. Total clearance under the wagon is about 17 in, which, as Humburg points out, "allows room underneath for a take away auger when unloading grain."
The wagon retails for $5,600. "You could spend up to $10,000 for a manure spreader with this much capacity and only be able to spread manure with it," Humburg points out.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Scranton Manufacturing Inc., Scranton; Iowa 51462 (ph toll free 800 831-1858. In Iowa, call 800 522-1958).

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New Do-Everything Wagon Hauls Manure, Grain WAGONS/TRAILERS New Wagons 3-3-4 You can haul 500 bu. of grain or up to 13112 tons of manure, sand, gravel or silage in the new "do everything" Utility Spreader from Scranton Manufacturing, Scranton Iowa. The first of its kind gravity flow wagon is equipped with a huge hydraulically operated 5-ft. by 10-ft. bottom opening which dumps the entire load in seconds.
Two hydraulically operated sliding doors, each 5 ft. square, control size of the opening. They can be cracked open for even, light spreading, or opened all the way for a quick dump. Four 2-in. by 60-in. hydraulic cylinders provide the power.
`'We think it's the perfect answer for the large farmer who has a lot of manure and wants to spread it fast, or for the smaller farmer who needs a manure spreader and a grain wagon but doesn't feel he can justify owning both," says David Humburg, Scranton sales representative.
Simplicity is the wagon's biggest selling point, according to Humburg, who points out that the only parts that can manfunction are the four hydraulic cylinders which are easily replaced. The wheels and the fifthwheel steering axle up front are the only other moving parts.
The wagon measures 16 ft, long by 10 ft. wide at the top and slopes at a 60? pitch to the 5-ft. by 10-ft. bottom opening. The wagon stands tall - about 9 ft., 2 in. off the ground-and is made from 10 ga. steel in the body, with a heavy reinforced sliding bottom frame.
Although the bottom door is not completely water tight, Humburg says farmers who purchased the first wagons "have hauled some pretty soupy manure without leaks."
What about spreading manure with frozen chunks in it, or bulky manure mixed with bedding?
"We were concerned with that during testing but found that although manure with bedding, for example, must be spread thicker than with a conventional spreader, it still spreads evenly because of the great downward pressure inside the wagon. Also, the wagon has good visibility on the go. You can see if a frozen chunk catches in the door and dump it out without stopping by widening the door."
The sliding bottom doors are operated from the tractor seat with normal tractor hydraulic controls. Auxiliary hydraulic power systems are available for using the wagon behind a pickup or truck. It does not have brakes.
The wagon has six 40-in. dia. floatation tires, with a tandem axle in the back. Total clearance under the wagon is about 17 in, which, as Humburg points out, "allows room underneath for a take away auger when unloading grain."
The wagon retails for $5,600. "You could spend up to $10,000 for a manure spreader with this much capacity and only be able to spread manure with it," Humburg points out.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Scranton Manufacturing Inc., Scranton; Iowa 51462 (ph toll free 800 831-1858. In Iowa, call 800 522-1958).
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