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Mower Turned Into "Traveling Lawn Chair"
"I call it my traveling lawn chair," says Grady Glenn, Odessa, Texas, who mounted an old metal tractor seat on top of a push-type mower with the blades and engine removed. The seat mounts in place of the engine and is supported by four metal legs that ride in caster holders off an old bed. As a result, Glenn can swivel the seat up to 270 degrees and work on either side of the mower.
  The top end of the legs are welded to a metal plate that bolts onto the bottom side of the seat. The caster holders bolt onto a 10-in. dia. plate that bolts onto the deck.
  "I use it for weeding my yard," says Glenn. "I can position the chair in whatever direction I want to work. I move by using my legs and pushing back against the seat. When I get to the end of the yard, I get off the seat and reposition it for the next pass.
  "For safety when getting up or sitting down, I drilled a hole through the mower housing and push a rod or long screwdriver through the hole and into the ground to serve as a brake."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Grady Glenn, 412 E. 47th St., Odessa, Texas 79762 (ph 432 366-5273; Gaglenn3@aol.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #2