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On-Farm Butchering Service
When I heard that my nephew Gerry Marley was going to butcher several steers on his small farm near Nokomis, Ill., I decided to get some pictures.
  Gerry doesn't have a livestock trailer to bring animals to town so he decided to call on a local on-farm butchering service. He also feels that calm animals make the best beef so by butchering on the farm, animals don't have to go through the trauma of transport.
  Allen Stock of Farina Locker, Farina, Ill., runs the on-farm butchering service Gerry used. Stock says business is booming. His butchering truck, which is operated by two men, can handle up to three steers per visit, or 12 hogs. The truck has a boom and winch. Quarters of beef or halves of hogs are placed inside tightly sealed meat compartments while several canisters carry away the hides and offal.
  It took less than an hour at my nephew's farm to butcher three steers. There's so much work they only make on-farm visits to farms within a 35-mile radius of their locker plant. Cost to butcher and package a large steer is about $450.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Farina Locker, P.O. Box 36, Farina, Ill. 62838 (ph 618 245-6491).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #2