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Vegetable Washer Keeps You Clean
You don't have to worry about getting wet or dirty with Mel Primrose's handy homemade vegetable washer.
  He welded a tripod stand with a telescoping adjustable height column on top. At waist level, he mounted a cylindrical mesh basket at an angle, with a handle attached at the bottom. The basket base is mounted on a pivot that can be locked in the upright position, or released to let the basket tip downward, to be emptied.
  Primrose fills the basket with fresh potatoes, carrots or anything else that needs washing, and then holds the garden hose over it as he slowly turns the handle to rotate the basket.
  As the bin spins, the vegetables are tumbled around, allowing the water and the rough mesh to scrub them clean.
  "It works really well and we use it all the time. It's amazing how simple little things like this can make life easier," he says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mel Primrose, Site 10, Box 1, R.R. 1, Westlock, Alberta, Canada T7P 2N9 (ph 780 349-2477).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #5