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LP Gas Connector For Hooking Up Gas Appliances
Marvin Kroontje, Magnolia, Minn.: "I just want to send a warning that could save lives. My experience was with a flexible corrugated gray-coated LP gas connector for hooking up gas appliances. I bought it at a local hardware store and it was made in Mexico. When I opened the bag it was in, the hose had sharp bends at each end even though the instructions that came with it said not to bend the connector sharply. After I installed the connector, I smelled gas occasionally and it kept getting worse. I finally found the small leak by using a grill lighter in one hand and a wet wash cloth in my other hand, and sure enough a 2-in. high flame came from the curved area of the pipe which I put out with a wet wash cloth. I would not advise this method on a larger leak. But I could not find it with soap suds. My advice is to buy a stainless steel pipe or a coated pipe that hangs straight on a store rack. Also, be wary of gold or brass uncoated connectors as they can corrode."
  Thomas A. Batchelor, Lake Ariel, Penn.: "I work for a power company and changing teeth on an auger with a hammer and punch is a knuckle buster. I've found it's a lot easier to use a 3-ft. ground rod and jack hammer. The teeth come right off."

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #1