1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #03
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Radio Gate Works Like Garage Door Opener
New from Schiltz Mfg., Wessington, S. Dak., is "the only radio-controlled farm gate equipped with an exclusive `lock' to prevent outside interference ù such as CB radios, airplanes or lightningù from activating the garage-door type gate opener unexpectedly."The hand-held control device, which you carry in the cab of your pickup, car or tractor, has two buttons ù one marked "lock" and the other marked "gate". To open the swinging gate, you push both but-tons ù the "lock" to turn the receiver on and the "gate" button to activate the chain-driven opener mounted on the gate.
A "tension sensor" makes the gate automatically reverse itself if it hits an obstruction while opening.
"Another key feature is that the combination control box and gate opener are one unit, making it easy to mount on top of the gate where it's out of the way of livestock and snow. For gates used only seasonally, the unit can be easily moved from one gate to the next," the manufacturer points out.
"Most automatic gate openers have only about 10 in. of travel on the opening arm or boom. Ours has 36 in. of travel, making it the most versatile opener on the market for farm, home or industrial use."
For driveway gates, frequent visitors can be instructed how to manually open and close the gate. Sells for $388.
A solar-charged 12 volt battery system will be available soon.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Schiltz Mfg., RR 2 Box 88, Wessington, S. Dak. 57381 (ph 1 800 658-3637).

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