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Wovel Combines Wheel And Shovel
Combine a shovel and a wheel and what do you get? The Wovel!
  Inventor Mark Noonan came up with the idea as a way to make the job of shoveling snow less strenuous. It works by allowing the operator to lift a shovelful of snow using his body weight to push down on the handle, instead of his back and arms.
   Maufactured in Minnesota, The Wovel is made from lightweight steel and plastic. The 18 in. by 26-in. snow blade is set in front of a 3-ft. dia. wheel, and the handle is designed to pivot on the wheel axle. This turns the unit into a lever, requiring half the operator effort, compared to a conventional snow shovel.
  The Wovel is adjustable for varying user heights, strengths, and weights, as well as snow conditions.
  The Wovel sells for $119.95 plus shipping.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Structured Solutions II LLC, 55 St. John Place, Suite 201, New Canaan, Conn. 06840 (ph 877 598-2599; admin@wovel.com; www. wovel.com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #6