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Modified "Hunt Vee" Makes Great All-Purpose ATV
A few alterations to Billy Brown's 6-wheel amphibious Hunt Vee, manufactured by Power-Trac in Tazewell, Va., have turned it into the ultimate service vehicle. The heavy-duty 1,625-lb. ATV, with its 12-gauge steel body and 25-hp gas engine, will go just about anywhere, and 25 and 50-amp outlets on the ATV's control panel make electrical tool use easy. Modifications Brown and his son have made make it handier and safer on their mountainous terrain.
"I use it to transport tools, spray tanks, and air tank and gas cans as needed up over the mountains," says Brown. "We welded a removable roll cage over the top and added a canopy with roll-down sides. We also added two rear seats with fold-down backs and seat belts."
When the seats are folded down, a removable deck can be set over the top for hauling cargo. Brown added 2-in. receiver hitches to the front and rear. He then welded a winch to the bottom of a 2-in. ball mount so he can use either the ball or winch by flipping the hitch over.
He also made a slight modification to the winch. "I put a pulley on the winch cable," says Brown. "When I want to pull something, I hook the pulley to the object. Then I run the cable back to the ATV and hook it to the ball. I lose half the length of the cable, but the pulley doubles my pulling power."
The Hunt Vee sells for $9,000 from the factory. Brown had to wait 7 months to get one as only a limited number are made each year. The company's main business is articulated, industrial tractors for use in mines and other industrial uses. The Hunt Vee is the only machine Brown has found with reversing wheels for steering. A single lever on the control panel controls both steering and forward or reverse. The only other controls are ignition and throttle. Each wheel is hydraulically driven, so turning or braking is a matter of reversing fluid to one side or both.
"I looked all over the U.S. and Canada for an all hydraulic drive," says Brown. "I don't like chains, clutches or belts. They wear out too fast. I just have to keep the hydraulic pumps and filters in shape."
The only thing Brown didn't like about the ATV was the 16-gauge steel hood over the engine. It was too heavy for him to lift easily, so he and his son cut it in two and hinged it in the center. The bat-wings make it easy to do engine maintenance.
With a top land speed of 14 mph and a top water speed of 3 mph, the Hunt Vee won't win any races, but Brown doesn't care. Its 5-ft. width and zero-turning capability make it extremely maneuverable in the woods. A company recommendation also makes it easy to run, even on cold mornings.
"Power-Trak recommends using 5W 30 motor oil instead of hydraulic fluid," explains Brown. "It works better and warms up faster in the winter."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Billy Brown, 141 Ridgeview Way, Alum Creek, W. Va. 25003 (ph 304 756-9676) or Power-Trac, Inc., Tazewell Industrial Park, Tazewell, Va. 24651 (ph 276 988-6938 or 800 843-9273; fax 276 988-9566; info@power-trac.com; www.power-trac.com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #5