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Feed Bin Deer Stand
If you like to hunt deer but you're not too crazy about sitting out all day in freezing weather, you'll like this comfy deer stand built by Brent Pitcher.
  The Illinois hog producer made it out of a bulk feed bin. He cut off the bottom, installed a plywood floor, and mounted it on angle iron legs which mount on skids so he can tow it around. There's an access door on the bottom with a ladder leading up to it. A small heater inside keeps him warm no matter what the weather.
  Pitcher cut several shooting holes in the sides of the bin, and also painted the bit with some fall colors to camouflage it.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brent Pitcher, 20706 N 500 St., Montrose, Ill. (ph 217 924-4247

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #1