"Lazy Man's Way" To Do Yard Care
Maybe your readers will be interested in my "lazy man's way" to do yard care. Last spring, I hooked a steel bed frame and springs to my ATV and dragged it across my 3-acre yard, which still had all the leaves on it. The bed frame ground them up.
Then I rolled the yard with my 12-ft. cultipacker to smooth it out after winter.
One hour later, I was all done with my spring work and back in my rocking chair. At 85 years of age, I figured it was time to find a better way. (Patrick Q. Cusack, Muir, Mich.)

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"Lazy Man's Way" To Do Yard Care FARM HOME Miscellaneous 29-4-41 Maybe your readers will be interested in my "lazy man's way" to do yard care. Last spring, I hooked a steel bed frame and springs to my ATV and dragged it across my 3-acre yard, which still had all the leaves on it. The bed frame ground them up.
Then I rolled the yard with my 12-ft. cultipacker to smooth it out after winter.
One hour later, I was all done with my spring work and back in my rocking chair. At 85 years of age, I figured it was time to find a better way. (Patrick Q. Cusack, Muir, Mich.)
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