2005 - Volume #29, Issue #4, Page #37
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Flameless Way To "Solder" Copper Pipe
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Just-For-Copper comes in a small applicator tube. When applied to copper it generates a chemical reaction, providing a hermetic weld that's water-tight and air tight, with no need for solder. It's said to work up to 70 percent faster than solder welding and is as permanent and durable. There's no fire or burn risk compared to open flame soldering.
The product can be used on all rigid copper pipes, fittings, and connectors that carry water, as well as natural and LPG gas. It starts to bond, or "weld", as soon as you insert a treated copper pipe into a treated copper connector or fitting.
Application is easy. Using 60-grit sandpaper (provided), sand the copper or brass until it's shiny and free of all contaminants. Shake the bottle and squeeze a small bead of the product around the circumference of the leading outer edge of the pipe and also the leading inner edge of the connector. After you insert the pipe into the connector, the bond will be complete in only 5 seconds. However, you shouldn't move the pipe for at least 45 seconds to avoid breaking the bond. After that, you won't be able to break the bond apart with your hands.
JFC has an official rating of 500 psi so it will meet all plumbing codes. The product can't be used on any threaded connectors.
JFC is sold in 10g and 50g bottles. The 10g bottle will make about 40 welds and sells for $14.99 plus S&H. The 50g bottle will make more than 200 welds and sells for $24.99 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jackson Industries, Inc., 400 Lake Ridge Drive, Russellville, Ark. 72802 (ph 866 304-5335; email: info@JustForCopper.com; website: www.copperbond.com).

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