Cheap Portable Fan
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Dwayne Lowe, Chanute, Kansas: "I came up with a cheap, portable fan that works great for cooling off on hot days. It's made from a pair of 14-in. radiator coolant fans out of front wheel drive cars. I bolted the fans in a fold-up angle iron frame. To operate the fans, I just hook them up to a vehicle's battery. I can operate either fan independently, or both together at the same time.
"It really comes in handy in hot weather, and I can use it both in my shop and in the field. If I'm in the field and putting up hay on a hot day, I can set up the fans in the shade next to a vehicle. The fans deliver a lot of air, enough to blow my clothes around."

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Cheap Portable Fan FARM SHOP Handy Hints 29-4-36 Dwayne Lowe, Chanute, Kansas: "I came up with a cheap, portable fan that works great for cooling off on hot days. It's made from a pair of 14-in. radiator coolant fans out of front wheel drive cars. I bolted the fans in a fold-up angle iron frame. To operate the fans, I just hook them up to a vehicle's battery. I can operate either fan independently, or both together at the same time.
"It really comes in handy in hot weather, and I can use it both in my shop and in the field. If I'm in the field and putting up hay on a hot day, I can set up the fans in the shade next to a vehicle. The fans deliver a lot of air, enough to blow my clothes around."
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