"Better Than Lead" Shotgun Pellets
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Frustrated shotgun hunters tired of wounding but not killing with standard steel shot now have a better option. Hevi-Shot by Environ-Metal is made from a tungsten-alloy that's 10 percent heavier than lead and 50 percent more dense than steel. The pellets are molded with a lightly dimpled surface like miniature golf balls.
"The dimpling is unique to our manufacturing process and delivers real tight patterns with lots of energy," says Pancho Fulton, director of sales and marketing. "I shot our Dead Coyote shells in a Remington 870 at full choke and got a 100 percent pattern in a 20-in. circle at 40 yards."
Dead Coyote is the latest in a growing line of Hevi-Shot shotgun ammunition. The Dead Coyote 12-gauge, 3-in. shot shells produce a muzzle velocity of 1,350 fps or 11 fps at 100 yards.
The company was started by 6 avid waterfowl hunters frustrated with steel shot. One of them asked a metallurgist friend if he could make a shot heavier than lead.
Dr. Darrel Amick, whom Fulton describes as more farm kid than a Ph. D., came up with Hevi-Shot. Following the shot's warm reception when first introduced, Remington Arms signed a marketing agreement with Envrion-Metal, making it available nation wide. The company retained the right to sell its shot direct to consumers over the web.
Today, the company also markets slugs for big game that claim twice the penetration of lead slugs. Loads are also available for turkey, goose/waterfowl, duck, and upland game in addition to coyote.
The company does warn that Hevi-Shot should only be used in modern guns designed for steel ammunition.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Envrion-Metal, Inc., P.O. Box 834, Sweet Home, Ore. 97386 (ph 541 367-3522; email: hevishot@aol.com; website: www. hevishot.com).

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"Better Than Lead" Shotgun Pellets FARM HOME recreation 29-4-28 Frustrated shotgun hunters tired of wounding but not killing with standard steel shot now have a better option. Hevi-Shot by Environ-Metal is made from a tungsten-alloy that's 10 percent heavier than lead and 50 percent more dense than steel. The pellets are molded with a lightly dimpled surface like miniature golf balls.
"The dimpling is unique to our manufacturing process and delivers real tight patterns with lots of energy," says Pancho Fulton, director of sales and marketing. "I shot our Dead Coyote shells in a Remington 870 at full choke and got a 100 percent pattern in a 20-in. circle at 40 yards."
Dead Coyote is the latest in a growing line of Hevi-Shot shotgun ammunition. The Dead Coyote 12-gauge, 3-in. shot shells produce a muzzle velocity of 1,350 fps or 11 fps at 100 yards.
The company was started by 6 avid waterfowl hunters frustrated with steel shot. One of them asked a metallurgist friend if he could make a shot heavier than lead.
Dr. Darrel Amick, whom Fulton describes as more farm kid than a Ph. D., came up with Hevi-Shot. Following the shot's warm reception when first introduced, Remington Arms signed a marketing agreement with Envrion-Metal, making it available nation wide. The company retained the right to sell its shot direct to consumers over the web.
Today, the company also markets slugs for big game that claim twice the penetration of lead slugs. Loads are also available for turkey, goose/waterfowl, duck, and upland game in addition to coyote.
The company does warn that Hevi-Shot should only be used in modern guns designed for steel ammunition.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Envrion-Metal, Inc., P.O. Box 834, Sweet Home, Ore. 97386 (ph 541 367-3522; email: hevishot@aol.com; website: www. hevishot.com).
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