2005 - Volume #29, Issue #4, Page #14
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After Two Dry Holes Landowner Tried Dowsing
Randy Knudsen of Buffalo Lake, Minn., had no previous experience with water dowsing, and says he didn't have an opinion about the controversial practice until recently.Knudsen had hired a driller to find water on his property, only to end up with two dry holes and a big $7,700 bill. One hole was 410-ft. and the other was 340-ft. After much head-scratching, he decided to hire professional water dowser Jim Kuebelbeck of St. Joseph, Minn. who was featured in FARM SHOW (Vol. 29, No. 2).
"I was getting pretty anxious because I had spent so much money already," he explains. "My brother had talked to some people who had used Jim, and they had had pretty good luck, with two good wells out of three that he had marked. When I heard that, I just thought it was worth trying."
Knudsen paid Kuebelbeck $400. Kuebelbeck recommended a well driller who has a lot of experience working for people who have had dry holes.
The new team was successful at 68 ft. and the driller charged $16.50 per foot.
"I've got quite a bit of faith in both of them now," Knudsen says. "I'd definitely recommend Jim if someone is having problems. I don't have 100 percent faith in dowsing, but definitely 70 to 80 percent."
The happy landowner says the experience also taught him that there's a lot of difference in the quality of well drillers.
"These guys that Jim recommended were real good. They were a different quality of driller; there's no doubt about it. They really have to watch the screenings û the small rocks and sand that tell them whether there's water. The first guys could have gone right through it. I'm not saying the dowsing didn't work, but it has got something to do with the well driller, too."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Randy Knudsen, 52655 780th Ave., Buffalo Lake, Minn. 55314 (ph 320 833-2240) or Jim Kuebelbeck, 28391 Kelp Rd., St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 (ph 320 363-7564; email: jckueb@netlink.com).

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