He Likes his Add-On Flex Deck
After four years of use, Phil Airy of Marion, Iowa loves the EZ-Mow Flex Deck he mounts on the 54-in. deck on his 445 Deere. "It sure eliminates a lot of trim work. You can mow right around a steel fence post and not miss a thing," he says.
Airy says the Flex Deck detaches quickly by pulling two pins and disconnecting the belt.
"My lawn is uneven, but the Flex Deck follows the contour really well," he adds.
"I've had no bearing problems or anything. Once I lost a small spring off it and called the manufacturer, and they sent a replacement right away. It was really good service. I wish I could say that about a lot of other things that I've bought," Airy says.
He is surprised more people don't put one of these decks on their mowers.
"It's great for going under bushes where there's an overhang. I haven't had any trouble with the unit and can't think of how you'd improve it. The inventor really did his homework on this thing," he says.
Inventor Brad Bork of Mediapolis, Iowa, designed the unit in 1995 and has since retrofitted most types of commercial lawn mowers including ZTRs, eXmarks, front mounts, tractors and Deere walk-behinds. The Flex-Deck's suggested retail price is $1,495, installed, but the company will sell direct to customers who have no dealers in their area for $1,299 (including shipping). All fixtures and necessary mounting instructions are included with the deck.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Phil Airy, 2969 C Ave. Ext., Marion, Iowa 52302 (ph 319-377-5020) or Flex Deck, Box 368, Mediapolis, Iowa 52637 (ph 877 353-9335 or 319 985-2762; email: Flex-Dek@ netins.net; website: www.flex-deck.com).

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He Likes his Add-On Flex Deck MOWERS Mowers (31H) 29-4-13 After four years of use, Phil Airy of Marion, Iowa loves the EZ-Mow Flex Deck he mounts on the 54-in. deck on his 445 Deere. "It sure eliminates a lot of trim work. You can mow right around a steel fence post and not miss a thing," he says.
Airy says the Flex Deck detaches quickly by pulling two pins and disconnecting the belt.
"My lawn is uneven, but the Flex Deck follows the contour really well," he adds.
"I've had no bearing problems or anything. Once I lost a small spring off it and called the manufacturer, and they sent a replacement right away. It was really good service. I wish I could say that about a lot of other things that I've bought," Airy says.
He is surprised more people don't put one of these decks on their mowers.
"It's great for going under bushes where there's an overhang. I haven't had any trouble with the unit and can't think of how you'd improve it. The inventor really did his homework on this thing," he says.
Inventor Brad Bork of Mediapolis, Iowa, designed the unit in 1995 and has since retrofitted most types of commercial lawn mowers including ZTRs, eXmarks, front mounts, tractors and Deere walk-behinds. The Flex-Deck's suggested retail price is $1,495, installed, but the company will sell direct to customers who have no dealers in their area for $1,299 (including shipping). All fixtures and necessary mounting instructions are included with the deck.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Phil Airy, 2969 C Ave. Ext., Marion, Iowa 52302 (ph 319-377-5020) or Flex Deck, Box 368, Mediapolis, Iowa 52637 (ph 877 353-9335 or 319 985-2762; email: Flex-Dek@ netins.net; website: www.flex-deck.com).
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