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Dead Hog Cart
"I had back surgery a few years ago and it made me realize how important it is to search for an easier way of lifting heavy objects," says Dave Stoll, Primghar, Iowa.
"We raise contract hogs. Even when you do your best, you occasionally lose a few hogs. When we lost one that weighed over 200 lbs. and I had to drag it out of confinement, I decided to come up with a better way. I built three different styles of dead hog carts before settling on this design. It doesn't tip, thanks to stability provided by two wheels, and once the hog is loaded with the hand-cranked winch, it tips back like a wheelbarrow. My wife and kids can even handle it.
"The cart's main platform is made out of 14-ga. steel. They're painted either red of green."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave Stoll, 4049 Taft, Primghar, Iowa 51245 (pr 712 757-3112).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2