Demolition "Hammer" Busts Up Concrete Fast
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When a client rented Don Jaeger's skid steer-mounted demolition hammer, the client figured he'd need it for several days. Jaeger told him if he couldn't get the job done in a couple hours, he wouldn't have to pay the rent. An hour and 45 min. after starting the job, it was done. The client was so impressed, he bought a unit on the spot.
"It works great on a skid steer because it lets you work anywhere, and the design lets you precisely pinpoint your breaks," says Jaeger. "It is faster than a jack-hammer with neither the noise nor the dust and much simpler to operate. It is also less expensive and saves on labor."
Jaeger and his brother Ken designed the custom-built hammer for Don's concrete construction company. One operator on a skid steer now replaces four to five guys with jack hammers and can do the job in half the time or less.
The unit sells for $3,250 and requires a skid steer with lifting capacity of 1,000 lbs. or more. The entire hammer weighs 860 lbs. and has a reach of about 8 ft. forward and 3 to 4 ft. high.
It uses a combination of skid steer hydraulics and gravity. The hammer is lifted by hydraulics but descends by gravity to strike with its 4 by 4-in. hardened tip. Very little vibration or shock load is transferred back to the skid steer. With few moving parts, it is maintenance-free aside from regular greasing.
"One of the great things about it is that it can be used with almost no training," says Jaeger. "If you can operate a skid steer, you can operate this hammer."
The heavy-duty construction and the agility of a skid steer let the operator not only break slabs into preferred size chunks, but also shift them around as needed.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Jaeger, Heavy Strike, Inc., 10289 Boleyn Rd., Dubuque, Iowa 52001 (ph 563 590-4870; website:

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Demolition "Hammer" Busts Up Concrete Fast MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 29-4-10 When a client rented Don Jaeger's skid steer-mounted demolition hammer, the client figured he'd need it for several days. Jaeger told him if he couldn't get the job done in a couple hours, he wouldn't have to pay the rent. An hour and 45 min. after starting the job, it was done. The client was so impressed, he bought a unit on the spot.
"It works great on a skid steer because it lets you work anywhere, and the design lets you precisely pinpoint your breaks," says Jaeger. "It is faster than a jack-hammer with neither the noise nor the dust and much simpler to operate. It is also less expensive and saves on labor."
Jaeger and his brother Ken designed the custom-built hammer for Don's concrete construction company. One operator on a skid steer now replaces four to five guys with jack hammers and can do the job in half the time or less.
The unit sells for $3,250 and requires a skid steer with lifting capacity of 1,000 lbs. or more. The entire hammer weighs 860 lbs. and has a reach of about 8 ft. forward and 3 to 4 ft. high.
It uses a combination of skid steer hydraulics and gravity. The hammer is lifted by hydraulics but descends by gravity to strike with its 4 by 4-in. hardened tip. Very little vibration or shock load is transferred back to the skid steer. With few moving parts, it is maintenance-free aside from regular greasing.
"One of the great things about it is that it can be used with almost no training," says Jaeger. "If you can operate a skid steer, you can operate this hammer."
The heavy-duty construction and the agility of a skid steer let the operator not only break slabs into preferred size chunks, but also shift them around as needed.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Jaeger, Heavy Strike, Inc., 10289 Boleyn Rd., Dubuque, Iowa 52001 (ph 563 590-4870; website:
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